Welcome to Missouri LAGERS!  We salute you and all of our local government workers. Missouri’s communities couldn’t make it without hardworking dedicated public servants like you. We want you to know that while you are hard at work making your community something special, we’ve got your financial future well in hand!

As a new LAGERS member, there is a lot to learn about your benefit. Here are a few quick highlights to get you started:

  1. LAGERS is a defined benefit plan.  This means that instead of having an account balance that moves up and down with the markets, you earn credited service each month you work.  The more months you work, the more your benefit grows. To learn more about how benefits are calculated, visit the calculating benefits page.
  2. In order to receive a benefit from LAGERS in the future, you must become vested. “Vested” means you have accumulated 60 months (5 years) of LAGERS credited service.  For more information regarding vesting, visit the eligibility page.

Your LAGERS benefit is the foundation for your future financial independence. It will pay you a guaranteed benefit at eligibility for the remainder of your life. However, LAGERS is not designed to be your sole source of retirement income, and you may want to consider saving additionally alongside your LAGERS benefit to ensure your ability to leave the workforce with financial security in the future.

Your benefit is going to be reflective of your service credit and the benefits elected at your employer.