Corporate Intro
Great Communities Start
With Great Public Servants

We are committed to delivering sustainable retirement solutions so that Missouri's public workers can focus on serving their communties.

LGH 2022
Meet Your 2023 Local Government Hero Award Winner: Jayme McVicker

Jamey tells LAGERS that he counts himself lucky to have a career he loves, sharing he has a passion for helping people find the “best part of” in what is often the worst day of a person’s life. His coworkers share that he always shows up with a positive attitude and strives in everything he does to leave everything around him just a little bit better than when he found it. As Jamey has moved up the ranks over his past 24 years with the St. Joseph Fire Department, he continuously strives to find new ways to positively impact the people he serves.

Issues Policy
Securing Missouri's Future Together

LAGERS is not just focused on providing secure retirement income for today's retirees, but we are committed to working with our partners to protect secure, sustainable retirement in Missouri for generations to come.

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Upcoming events

LAGERS Annual Meeting

The primary purpose of the LAGERS Annual Meeting is the election of LAGERS’ Board of Trustees.  As an active member or governing body member, this is your opportunity to have your voice heard by participating in LAGERS Board of Trustee elections. Voting delegates have the opportunity to hear about the role of the LAGERS board, meet and get to know those who are seeking nominations and election to the LAGERS board and submit your vote for a nominee. In addition, the Annual Meeting provides you with a number of in-depth system updates and educational sessions. Meeting Information

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Medicare Basics Webinar

Who Should Attend: Pre-Retirees, Retirees, HR Personnel who help employees through the retirement process. This is a LAGERS sponsored event. A representative from Missouri CLAIM will join us to give a Medicare 101 presentation. Missouri CLAIM is a non-profit state funded program whose sole purpose is helping retired Missourians navigate the Medicare system. This presentation will give a general overview of the Medicare system to help you better understand your options. Register  View Recording

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LAGERS Pre-Retirement Webinar

In this Pre-Retirement Webinar, we will cover topics such as how your benefit is calculated, the retirement application process, payment options, taxes, COLAs, and other after-retirement topics. This webinar is open to all LAGERS members wanting to know more about the retirement process. Please fully complete the registration so that we are able to generate your benefit estimate. A Pre-Retirement Webinar packet including your benefit estimate will be emailed to you before the event. Technical requirements for webinar: A computer with speakers (mobile phones are compatible as well) Stable internet connection May require you to download the Zoom app or software prior to the meeting. Contact Kathy Rolwes at 573.632.6282 or email [email protected] for more information. Register View Recording

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Board of Trustees Meeting

Contact Sheila Reinch for any inquiries about a Board of Trustee Meeting [email protected] for more information. Meeting Information

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Leaving LAGERS-Covered Employment Webinar

Who Should Attend: HR Personnel, Members Considering Changing Jobs This session is designed to help individuals considering leaving LAGERS-covered employment understand all of the options for their LAGERS benefit. Because there are many benefit options for a member at termination, this session may also be helpful for administrators and HR personnel who work with individuals through the termination of employment process. Register View Recording

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Oct 24

Candidates for 2024 LAGERS Board of Trustees Elections Announced

The LAGERS Board of Trustees is the governing body charged with ensuring the LAGERS system is appropriately managed. The board’s...
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Sep 24

LAGERS September Board Report

The LAGERS Board of Trustees has a fiduciary duty to its membership to ensure the system is administered in a...
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Sep 24

For 46th consecutive year, Missouri LAGERS receives awards for excellence in financial reporting

The Missouri Local Government Employees Retirement System (LAGERS) has been awarded the Certificate of Achievement for Excellence in Financial Reporting...
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Jul 24

Nominations are Now Open for the LAGERS Board of Trustees

The nomination period for the LAGERS Board of Trustees election is now open. Individuals interested in appearing on the ballot...
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