LAGERS Launches Email Campaign for Newly Hired Employees

LAGERS is designed to be a workforce management tool to recruit, retain, retire and promote public servants in Missouri. For this workforce management system to be effective, employees must have a good understanding of how the benefit grows as they continue to serve their community. So, LAGERS created and is deploying a new email campaign targeted for newly enrolled LAGERS members.

The email campaign will include a number of topics including how their benefit grows, vesting, the value of their benefit, the difference between LAGERS and a defined contribution plan, purchasing service and more. Read a summary below of what will be included in each email.

New Hire Campaign – 1st Email

The first email in the campaign will include a welcome letter from LAGERS Executive Director, Bob Wilson.

New Hire Campaign – 2nd Email

The second email includes a short video explaining how LAGERS benefits grow over time.

New Hire Campaign – 3rd Email

The third email provides new members with a general understanding of the difference between LAGERS and defined contribution plans.

If they were provided a retirement plan in a previous private sector job, it was likely a defined contribution plan. So, this email is designed to help members understand the different between the two plan types.

New Hire Campaign – 4th Email

The fourth email provides employees with a general overview about LAGERS disability and survivor benefits. Depending on the nature of the disability or death, there may be something payable to an employee even if they aren’t vested.

New Hire Campaign – 5th Email

The fifth email provides employees with information about purchasing service in LAGERS. Some employees may have previous military service or public service that may be eligible for purchase. It is important for an employee to know about this earlier in their career because the closer to retirement, the more expensive it is to purchase service.

New Hire Campaign – 6th Email

The sixth email illustrates milestones the employee will reach throughout their career including the 6 month period, vesting, leaving employment options, and more.

New Hire Campaign – 7th Email

The 7th and final email shows employees how their LAGERS benefit will fit in to their financial plans for leaving the workforce. In addition, it encourages employees to attend LAGERS virtual and in-person educational offerings.