LAGERS Announces Declared Candidates for Upcoming Trustee Elections

LAGERS Announces Declared Candidates for Upcoming Trustee Elections

Three candidates have declared their intent to run for the LAGERS Board of Trustees later this month. The elections will take place at the LAGERS Annual Meeting, which is set to be held in Maryland Heights on October 26 and 27.

Chad Munsey – City of Springfield

Chad currently serves the City of Springfield as a member of the city’s Police and Fire Pension Board, a role which he has held since 2021. Chad professionally works as a broker for Nixon & Lindstrom Insurance, which is an insurance firm in southwest Missouri specializing in commercial, bonds, employee benefits, and personal risk solutions. In addition to his professional work, Chad is also a member of the Rotary of Springfield, Southeast chapter.

Chad was appointed to the LAGERS Board of Trustees in 2022 to fill a partial term ending October 26, 2023.  Chad is seeking re-election to his current board seat with a term ending December 31, 2025.

Chad shares, “I am proud to currently represent LAGERS members across Missouri as an employer trustee.  With this honor comes a large amount of humility, responsibility, and pride.  I want to continue the progress made by those before me in building up this great retirement system for the future members across the state of Missouri.”

Tony Kelley – Central Jackson County Fire Protection District

Tony currently serves as an appointed consultant for the Central Jackson County Fire Protection District. Prior to his current role, Tony served as a firefighter for nearly three decades in various capacities in southwest Missouri, including as Battalion Chief for the Springfield Fire Department prior to his retirement in 2020.

Tony was appointed to the LAGERS Board of Trustees in 2022 to fill a partial term ending October 26, 2023. He is seeking re-election to his current board seat with a term ending December 31, 2026.

Tony shares, “I was appointed to the LAGERS Board in December of 2022 and wish to continue to serve the employers and participants of the system. I have served as a trustee for a smaller system on two separate occasions, and currently serve as an administrative director for that same system. While LAGERS is much larger in size and scope, I feel the exposure and experience with retirement systems allow for participation on the Board with a less steep learning curve. I hope that I have brought value to the Board over the last year and would certainly like to continue our work.”

Megan Page – Pettis County

Megan currently serves Pettis County as a member of the Pettis County Probation and Parole Citizens Advisory Board. In addition to being a small business owner with her husband, Megan also previously served as a councilwoman for the City of Sedalia. She currently serves as a board member for the Boys and Girls Club of West Central Missouri and as a member of the Sedalia Area Chamber of Commerce.

Megan is seeking to fill the Employer Trustee term ending December 31, 2025. This seat is currently held by Chad Munsey.

Megan shares, “I believe I should be elected to the LAGERS Board because I have been part of the public and private sector. As a former city council member, I understand the importance of LAGERS to the employees. As a business owner, I understand monitoring and managing funds. I bring value to the board by knowing and understanding both aspects and being able to balance both.”