Missouri LAGERS Annual Reports Now Available

Penny Thomas

Missouri LAGERS Annual Reports, including the Popular Annual Financial Report, the Comprehensive Annual Financial Report, and the 52nd Annual Actuarial Valuation are now available on our website.

The Popular Annual Financial Report (PAFR) is a simplified summary of the more complex and detailed Comprehensive Annual Financial Report. The PAFR displays the actual fiscal condition of your retirement system in an easy-to-read document.

2020 PAFR cover

The Comprehensive Annual Financial Report (CAFR) is an extremely detailed accounting of all expenditures and funding of your retirement system. Here you will find a compilation of financial reports that are more intricate in nature. You will also find supporting data, notes, and explanations for these reports.

2020 CAFR COver

The 52nd Annual Actuarial Valuation allows a glimpse into the financial condition of the Benefit Reserve Fund while focusing on the funding statistics of all LAGERS’ numerous employers. 

2020 Annual Val Cover

If you have any questions or concerns regarding these reporting, you are encouraged to give us a call 1.800.447.4334.

Visit our Financial Reports page to download any of the new reports.