LAGERS’ Intern Experience

Angela Lechtenberg, APR

This month Chelsea, our photography and design intern, leaves us to head back to school at the University of Missouri. We asked her to leave us with a parting gift, a blog post about her experience with us over the summer. Here is what she wrote:

Chelsea with a SWAT car

Through my experience as a summer intern at Missouri LAGERS I have had the opportunity to meet some amazing people and do outstanding things while traveling all over Missouri learning about our local government workers and what they do for our communities.

Chelsea and a giraffe

In the beginning of my internship I couldn’t help thinking what a great opportunity I had been given, and now as summer comes to a close I can see that the experience of this internship has exceeded my expectations.

viewing the Lake of the Ozarks from a 12 story high view

From having the opportunity to view the Lake of the Ozarks from a 12 story high view to feeding a cheetah this summer it has truly been an honor to work for such a great organization with even better employees.

Chelsea visiting the zoo

Missouri LAGERS has helped me grow in my design skills as well as my professional skills. Being a part of the LAGERS team is truly a blessing and a wonderful place to intern.  I can’t wait to continue to do what I love and share with others my experiences.

Chelsea taking pictures