Annual Meeting is Getting Closer!

Jeff Pabst, CRC

LAGERS 50th Annual Meeting

As we enter August, it means the kids are going back to school, playoff baseball is approaching, the leaves will soon be falling and of course football! But, that’s not the only thing that is quickly approaching. In a nearly two months, we will be gathering for the LAGERS system’s 50th Annual Meeting. That’s right, 50 years of retirement security! We will be holding our meeting at Tan-Tar-A Resort in Lake Ozark Missouri on October 19 & 20th.

As you may have seen on social media or an email, there is no longer a fee to attend the Annual Meeting. This meeting is such a great way to network with your colleagues across the state, learn more about your retirement system and meet LAGERS board and staff. Also, this is such a great place to have your voice heard by participating in the board of trustee elections. What a better way to participate in the future direction of your retirement plan.

So, put the dates on your calendar, register online, book your hotel room and we will see you in a couple months!

JPabst (2) Jeff Pabst, CRC Education & Outreach Coordinator