Losing a Loved One

It is important to notify the LAGERS office should a member or beneficiary pass away to ensure that maximum benefits have been paid.

Passing of a Retired Member

Upon written notification to the LAGERS office of a member’s passing, an eligible beneficiary may begin receiving benefits.

No monthly benefit is payable to any beneficiary, however, if any of the deceased member’s contributions remain, the balance will be payable to the member’s designated beneficiary or estate.

The beneficiary who was originally designated at the time of retirement may notify the LAGERS office to initiate his or her monthly benefit. This benefit is payable for the beneficiary’s lifetime.

If the member’s current spouse is different from the spouse originally designated at retirement, only the original spouse/beneficiary is entitled to a monthly benefit.

Current beneficiary(ies) may be entitled to the remaining monthly benefits until 120 months’ worth of payments are made between the member and the beneficiary(ies).  If more than 120 months’ worth of payments was made to the member, no monthly benefit will be payable to any beneficiary. However, if any of the deceased member’s contributions remain, the balance will be payable to the member’s designated beneficiary or estate.

Passing of a Beneficiary

Under the Life Payout Option, your beneficiary will only receive payment should you pass away and still have member contributions remaining in the system. This beneficiary can be changed at any time during your retirement.

If you retired after September 1, 1992 and elected either Option A or B, you are covered under LAGERS Pop-Up Provision. In the event that your beneficiary predeceases you, this provision allows you to remove the Option A or B reduction and ‘pop up’ to 100% of your Life Option amount. You must notify the LAGERS office upon the death of your beneficiary to enact the Pop Up Provision.

Once enacted, you are locked into the Life Option and may not designate a new beneficiary under Option A or B. You may designate a new beneficiary for any remaining contributions you may still have remaining in the system (if applicable).

If you elected Option C, you may designate a new beneficiary(ies) at any time. Should your beneficiary predecease you, you may designate a new primary beneficiary. If no new designation is made, in the event of your death, any remaining payments would be made to your contingent beneficiary. If you have no living beneficiaries at the time of your death, remaining payments (if any) would be made to your estate.